Tag Archives: Sydney

48. Beneath

Beneath_7551 - Eel

In the middle of Sydney Harbour, at Chowder Bay, there’s a dive site underneath and around a long jetty. It’s a marvellous place, eerie and foreboding, while being so close to the heart of the city and the bright cacophony of urban life. The scene is at once primeval and post-apocalyptic.

Under the jetty is a community of animals of many kinds, living among debris and rearranging it. Down there an Anglerfish seems normal and appropriately dressed:

Beneath_8012 - Angler 1

Even the seahorses look edgy:

Beneath_7965 - Even the Seahorses 3 copy

And what a milieu for the octopus. They look completely at home, with the gloomy water and overgrown objects strewn about. Perfect for an animal so amorphous, opportunistic, at ease in small and odd-shaped spaces.

Beneath_8004 - Octo 1

This one above was eating something, vigorously, which I could not work out. At first I thought it might have been a large nudibranch. It did look like another mollusc. Here’s a close-up:

Beneath_8004 - Octo food

Finally, another octopus, one undeniably in tune with the spirit of the place:

Octo with bottle 7900 2014


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